Can you read quran on your period without touching it. to turn the pages, go to settings, etc.

Can you read quran on your period without touching it e. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. 10672 and 10984. Recitation itself is what is prohibited on her regardless of how it is done. Although it is liked to read the Quran on wudu based on the Prophet's (peace and blessings be upon Him) saying: Furthermore it is narrated that at times the Prophet used to come out of the toilet and read the Quran, without 📞Need Live Counseling by Sheikh Assim?PayPal: PayPal. Or if you are going to read from your smartphone or from memory. This distinction is crucial: Mushaf refers I want to ask that I learn QURAAN by online. Your tongue must completely be pure from major impurity, according to hadith mentioned earlier. It is permissible for the menstruating woman to recite from memory without touching the Mushaf directly, if she needs to recite Quran so that she will not forget it. 3. ” 2) She CAN read/recite the Quran. However, one without ablution can read Qur’an without touching it and one can recite the surahs those one knows by heart. The only exceptions they make is in the case of dhikr (remembrance of See more Qur'an 56:79 (none touch it except the purified) implies that a person in an impure state shouldn't touch the Qur'an , which includes women during menses. Some scholars say you need wudu for touching it some say you don't. She should be cautious not to utter the verses in The majority of the Fuqaha say that it is forbidden for a woman to touch the Quran during menstruation and Janabah (State of impurity following sexual intercourse). In August of this year (2003), Sheik Fouzie stated at a conference in Amsterdam that it is not obligatory to make Wudu before reading the Qur'an, even during the menstrual period. Source Is it Permissible for Women to Read the Quran during Menses? — Dr Zakir NaikTop-240#Permissible #Women #Read #Quran #During #Menses #Zakir #Naik #Zakirnaik Accordingly, women can read “ayat-ul kursi”, al-Fatiha and al-Ikhlas with the intention of supplication and dhikr in the periods of menstruation and puerperum. Mufti sab meharbani hogi agar Aap ye issue in detail bataein. Reading is no problem but touching the mushaf (book which has the Quran in it) is disputed. The Quran can be carried in the form of digital books or software. Walaikum assalam, Faraz Rabbani. Islamic scholars generally agree that wudu, the ritual ablution, is required for touching a physical copy of the Quran (mushaf) but not for reading the Quran displayed on a screen Introduction The Quran, the holy book of Islam, is a fundamental source of guidance and blessings for Muslims. I want you to understand that because it is one of the important questions about menstruation that some Muslim women don't understand very well. It is also permitted for women to read Qur anic verses for protection, dua, and the intention of dhikr (as opposed to Qur anic recitation), even if Touching the Qur'an in an impure state, even in menses . بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (Fatwa: 768/768/M=06/1435) As it is forbidden to touch the Quranic verses during menses in As Salaam mu Alaikum Can you state if it is permissible to touch the quran on a phone screen without wudhu? Jazaak Allah Khair Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق Yes, it is permissible to do so, since you are touching the phone and not the Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin said in his comments on sujud al-tilawah (prostration required when reading certain verses of the Quran): “Sujud al-tilawah is to be done when reading the Quran. ” (Fatawa al-Jami’ah li Menu. Touching without wudu: quran translation, tafseer, fiqh book; Is wudu necessary for reciting the Quran in English or Arabic? Should we read Quran with transition or is it ok to read without translation? Non Muslim Reading Quraan; Can a woman Can Fazal E Amal or any hadith book like Barista Zahwar or bukari or muslim (other hadeth books) be read without Wadhu; In the times of menses, can one recite Quran Shareef with touching or not touching it? How to Handle the Qur’an and its Translation, Touching the Qur’an without Wudu; Touching the Quran and Islamic Books in the state of It is not permissible for a woman in her menstrual period, or in postpartum to recite the Quran, even by heart, or without actually touching the Quran itself. Memorization etc. Q: Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to recite the Qur`an from the computer without actually touching the Mus-haf? The majority of Muslim scholars and jurists maintain the impermissibility for a woman in her menstrual period or in postpartum to recite the Qur`an or to touch the Mushaf (copy of the Qur`an). ,Fiqh (Jurisprudence),qur'an,wudu (ablution),ghusl (major purification),tahara (ritual purity),fiqh (jurisprudence) In a Nutshell: Yes, you can recite the Quran from your phone without wudu. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Can You Read The Quran During Your Period? Reading the Quran during menstruation is a topic of discussion among Muslims, and it is important to understand the different perspectives and practices within Islamic It is permissible for one who is in a state of impurity, or even a dhimmi, to write it without touching it because the prohibition, as stated above, applies to touching it, and this is not touching. If you are reading a physical copy of the Quran in Arabic, you must repeat your wudu (ablution) to regain a state of purity before touching the Quran again. It is permissible for you to recite Quran, or any soorah from it, at any time and in any situation, except when you are in a state of janaabah (impurity following sexual activity), in which case it is haraam to recite Quran, because of the hadith of ‘Ali who said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to recite Quran to Question: Can a Person in Major Ritual impurity (hadath Al-Akbar), meaning here in the states of janabah (sexual defilement), and for women, menstruation, recite the Qur’an?. Some say a woman cannot, and some say she can. Or you have a Mushaf but you are not in the state of Wudu. In principle, a woman in haid (menstruation) is not permitted to recite the Qur’ān whether from memory, using a copy of the Qur’ān or an electronic device. However, lifting the state of ritual impurity may be done quicker for some than for others. Answer:. Lost your password? Please enter your email address. Ablution helps purify our physical and spiritual state, allowing for a deeper connection with Allah’s words. in a state of sexual impurity and have not yet taken a bath), except when travelling on the road (without enough water, or just passing through a mosque), till you wash your whole body. And God knows. Despite the fact that you are not physically touching the verses of the Quran, you are saying them. Hanafi and Hanbali Schools: The majority of scholars, particularly from the Hanafi and Hanbali schools, hold that a menstruating woman should not recite the Qur’an, either from memory or by touching the physical Qur’an. 2- As for touching the Quran during menses, the correct view is that it is forbidden to touch the mus-haf when one is in any kind of state of impurity. , because this prostration is not subject to the rulings on prayer. Therefore, to say that one who is in state of hadath asghar (a minor impurity for which one needs only to make wudu) may not touch the Quran makes no sense. Maliki jurists think that you can recite the Holy Quran during the period. Unanimously all the all 2 Question: Can a woman who is in her menstrual period listen, read or touch the Quran? Answer: Yes, she can read the Quran except for the those verses which include obligatory Sajdah, and also she cannot touch the scripts of the Quran. There is almost consensus among scholars that a woman in her period is allowed to touch or carry or use books on Islam, or works of tafsir (Quran exegesis) that may contain verses of the Qur’an. You can either use a mobile app for reciting or get a cover for your Mushaf. In a Nutshell: Touching a physical Quran (Mushaf) requires wudu (ritual ablution) according to the majority of Islamic scholars. In the times of Menses(periods)lady can recite Quran Shareef with touching or not touching it. But pay attention touch the name of Allah in any language without Wudu is haram. It may be done in any state, even with the head uncovered , etc. You will need Wudhu. Women can wear gloves or digital devices It is permissible for women to read the Holy Qur’an from the Mushaf without touching it or recalling the verses of the Holy Quran in her mind without uttering the words. Bookings@gmail. I hear many opinions. Or, you can touch its pages while wearing a pair of gloves. Anhuma, where the Prophet PBUH said: لاَ تَقْرَأُ Traditional Islamic jurisprudence generally holds that women in menstruation (hayd) should avoid physical contact with the Quran. Women, who have their periods, can wear gloves or avoid touching the Arabic script of the Quran. However, lifting the state of ritual impurity may be Q: Is it allowed to read a memorized surah of the Quran Sharif during one’s menstrual cycle? A: It is not permissible for a woman in the state of haiz to recite the Quraan. Indirect contact, such as using gloves, may be permissible for teachers or students needing to learn or memorize. and if you are too lazy to even bath just put a clean glows in your hand in which case you are not physically touching quran (that glows thing is not said by any scholars but me, but as i said you are not touching quran you are just Can a Woman Read Quran in Periods During Menstruation Menses on Mobile Phone Without Touching it? | Taimiyyah Zubair Binte Dr Farhat Hashmi You can read Quran with nail polish on as long as you made wudu before you apply the nail polish. The Yes the Quran can be touched without Wudu'. Can you touch the Quran on your mobile without Wudhu? Can Non-Muslims Touch the Qur’an impurity or dirtiness when he goes towards the Quran to touch it or read it. The device is a bit tricky. However, the condition is that the Mashaf of the Qur’an cannot be touched. Home; Courses; Fee Plans; About Us; Blog; Contact Us There is almost consensus among scholars that a woman in her period is allowed to touch, or carry, or use books on Islam, or works of tafsir (Qur’an exegesis) that may contain verses of the Qur’an. Hanafi Fiqh. The covers of the Mus-haf that are attached to it come under the same ruling as the Mus-haf itself, so it is not permissible to touch them without Wudu. Discover the rulings on whether menstruating women can touch the Quran and its translations. There is disagreement about reciting the Quran by voice during menstruation, while all are agreed that touching a physical copy of an Arabic-text-only publication of the Quran is not permitted during menstruation with the exception of those who are memorizing or teaching the Quran according to the Maliki Praise be to Allah. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email. Then read from the mobile phone don’t let anything stop you from reading the الجواب حامدا و مصلیا . Discover Islamic perspectives: Can you read Quran on your period? Unravel diverse opinions on this topic among scholars. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (Fatwa: 768/768/M=06/1435) As it is forbidden to touch the Quranic verses during menses in Praise be to Allah. The majority of fuqaha say that it is haram for a woman to recite Quran during her period, until she is tahir (pure) again. [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar] A menstruating woman can: 1) Listen to the Quran, ponder about its meanings Therefore, in terms of touching the Quran even with gloves, the same ruling applies for a man and a woman in a state of minor or major ritual impurity. It is not permissible for one who is in a state of impurity to touch the Mus-haf without a barrier, according to the majority of jurists. Can a woman Hifz quran during periods without touching quran? IS IT BETTER TO READ THE QURAN FROM MEMORY OR LOOKING? What Is the Ruling for Women on Periods During Hajj; What restrictions, if any, are there for reciting dua during periods? Reciting the Quran on a phone whilst having periods Can a woman Hifz quran during periods without touching quran? IS IT BETTER TO READ THE QURAN FROM MEMORY OR LOOKING? What Is the Ruling for Women on Periods During Hajj; What restrictions, if any, are there for reciting dua during periods? Reciting the Quran on a phone whilst having periods Conclusion. ” (Fatawa al-Jami’ah li Book a live Counseling with Sheikh Assim ($100/Half Hour): https://www. Are Quran apps the same as mushafs? These mobile phones in which Quran is put in written or recorded form do not come under the same ruling as the Mus-haf, so it is permissible to touch them without having purified oneself and it is permissible to take them into the washroom with one, because writing Quran on the mobile phone is not like writing it in 1. They also said that it is forbiddenfor her to recite the Quran, even without touching it. It does not apply to reading Quranic verses on a smartphone or computer. Can you listen to the Quran in the state of Janabah? The majority of scholars among the Companions, Followers, and the Imams of the four schools have agreed on the prohibition of a menstruating woman and a person in a state of major ritual impurity (janaba) touching the Mushaf (physical copy of the Quran), as well as their prohibition from reciting the Quran, even without touching it. She should not touch the mushaf (a copy of the Quran) but she can only read from her own memory. You can read the Quran without wudhu on your mobile or laptop. Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat Question Can a menstruating woman approach the Quran without directly touching it? Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat explains how a menstruating woman can approach the Quran. Touching the Quran during menses. Based on various Fatwas, including 81639, 85076, and 87869, it is permissible for women in menses to handle books of Tafseer (interpretation) and translations of the Quran, provided they are not addressed as Mushaf. ” [An-Nisa’ 4:43] A menstruating woman is similar to one who is in a state of major impurity. Reading & Looking at Qur'an During Menstruation; On Touching the Quran in Minor Ritual Impurity; Ruling on Reciting and Touching Quran during Menses; CAN ONE RECITES QURAN ON A DEVICE WITHOUT WUDHU? Is it permissible for a woman in her menstrual period to recite from the Mus-haf( copy of the Quran ), or to recite by heart? Can A Menstruating You can calculate how much you would normally memorise during the period. Firstly: If one who is menstruating becomes junub or has an erotic dream, or she got her period when she was junub, it is prescribed for her to do ghusl from janabah, for she will benefit from that by becoming able to read Quran without touching the Mushaf, because one who is junub is not allowed to read Quran, unlike one who is menstruating. Reading Quran through computer, does it needs that a person should be "baa-wazoo"? Is it permitted to read the translation of the quran without wudu where the arabic and translation is side by side? In Hanafi madhab an excused person's wudu lasts as long as the prayer time. Sure, as long as you refrain from touching a Mushaf, you can learn to read the Quran online without performing Wudu. In the Hanafi school, she can listen to the Qur’an and “read” (in her mind) without “reciting” (with her tongue) while memorizing during menstruation. End quote from Kashshaaf al-Qinaa‘, 1/135 . just bath yourself to make sure you are clean thats all. There is a difference of opinion about reading Quran without touching the Book (Mus’haf) when a woman is on her menses. Sometimes you are outside and you don’t have the Mushaf with you. In order to yes you can as long as you are not in a major impurity. Since it would be touched indirectly. It is Makrooh ( Not Recommended) to Touch the cover of the Holy Qur’an or Pages. 1- The majority of jurists say that a woman cannot read the Quran during her period until she is pure. A lot of people need to stop guessing answers and start researching them. As for choosing the Maliki opinion, this is a matter of personal choice, at the But in regards to your second inquiry that you asked. However, some scholars say that it is permissible for a menstruating woman to recite the Quran. In Maliki and Hanbali sects, it is regarded permissible for women to read the Quran by heart or by looking at it but without touching it in the periods of menstruation and puerperum Praise be to Allah. Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Baz was asked a similar question, and he said: “It is not permissible for a Muslim to touch the Quran when he does not have wudu, according to the majority of scholars. A person can also use a touch screen pen/stick for scrolling, which allows him to recite the Quran and move the pages without touching the screen (when in the state without wudhu). , you can only touch it and subsequently read from it, only after performing wudū' (ablution). me/assimalhakeemBook your Session: 💠SheikhAssim. Digital texts are not subject to the same rules as the physical mushaf. Shaykh Ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “And those of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the ‘Iddah (prescribed period), if you have doubt (about their periods), is three months; and for those who have no courses [(i. Only Allah Knows Best. So, when you read quran in this way do you need to have wudhu or not when reading quran using standard computers? What is the rule if we read using mobile. It is permitted to read the Qur’an without touching it (e. Can you read Quran without wudu on your mobile? Yes, you can read Quran without wudu as long you are not reading from the Mushaf itself. Holding it or touching it in this impure state shows nothing but a grave disrespect and disregard to the lofty position the Quran holds in the heart of every true believer Touching the words of the quran plysically can only be done with wudu. As for your Can you read Quran on your period without touching it? Yes, most Muslim scholars and jurists uphold the belief that a woman cannot touch or recite the Qur’an or recite it when she is in her menstrual cycle or recovering from Syeikh Salih Abd al-Sami’ al-Abi said: “It isn’t prohibited to recite Quran without touching the Quran. ” [6] Al-Mardawi al-Hanbali said “Menstruating women are absolutely prohibited from reciting al-Quran and this is sahih in madhhab Hanbali but there is an opinion which states that it isn’t prohibited. May the creator guide us all. While direct contact with the Quran is prohibited during this period, women can recite from memory without touching the text. Read also: Can We Recite the Quran without Moving the Tongue? Does Reading Quran on Phone Count? Can I Read the Quran on My Period? Is Touching Quran Without Wudu Permissible? Can a Woman Read Quran [ibn Abidin, Manhal al-Waridin] She can also read the Quran in her heart. Touching and reciting the Quran without wudu. . Skip to content. 1) Can she read it on her phone,like touching the verses in her phone? The response is that touching the Holy Qur'an through cellphones is not considered as a haram practice. 3 Page 111 Darul Ishaat Karachi 2016; Fatawa Ibadur Rahman Vol Are you seeking clarity on whether you can read the Quran during your period? This is a common question among many Muslim women who wish to stay connected to their faith and spirituality at all times. I can't give you any sound advice in that. She may listen to someone reciting the Quran, or she may listen to a CD recording of the The necessity for wudu only applies to reading from a book of Quran. Memorize from Mobile or laptop without touching the script3. This leniency facilitates easy access to the Quran, allowing you to read and reflect on its verses anywhere and anytime. Where you are simply reading a single page of the digital Mushaf, you can hold your phone and read, without Wudhu. Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah Therefore, in terms of touching the Quran, the same ruling applies for a man and a woman in a state of minor or major ritual impurity. ” (Al-Waqi`ah 56:79), actually, “nor when you are in a state of Janabah (i. RECITING QURAN – there are 2 opinions: 1) She CANNOT read/recite the Quran. If we want to be extremely careful, we can carry our favourite Quran in a translated language, which does not have the Arabic text. It is the recitation itself that is prohibited regardless of Explore the guidelines on women reciting and touching the Quran during menses. Is it right to learn it during menses without touching the words of the Quranic alphabets. And to answer the when can you apply the nail polish we said that you can put it after you finish the five daily prayers or make Wudu then apply it if you are going out. Sami AL Quran “Ramadn Offer - 35% OFF on all Courses and 1 child fee is free with 2” Phone: +923445543844 Answered by SunniPath Answer Service Team Can you recite any suras from the Qur'an when you are menstruating? Answer: In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, From a previous answer: Rules concerning post-natal bleeding (nifas) and haid: 1. , the hadith in Muwatta' Malik 15/1 narrated through 'Abdullah 2. However, to touch any verses of the Qur'an e. Everyone, including menstruating women, are permitted to read Quranic verses on computers and smartphones without performing ablution. However, one cannot touch the Qur’anic verses themselves without a barrier (such as a cloth). to turn the pages, go to settings, etc. Indirect contact, such as using gloves, may be They prohibited women from reciting al-Quran during menstruation and major hadith according to the hadith from Ibn Umar R. Imam An-Nawawi stated in his Tibyan, “It is unlawful for a person in a state of major ritual impurity or during menstruation to recite the Qur’an, whether it is a verse or even less. Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada. Read quran during these days. Most scholars prohibit women from touching the Quran based on the hadith “The menstruating woman and the one who is in a state of sexual impurity (janaabah) should not recite anything of the Qur’aan. One can recite some verses and surahs like Ayatal- Kursi, Fatiha and Ikhlas with the intention of praying. assimalhakeem. The word “purify” must have one particular meaning here. Note, too, that there is great merit in listening to the Qur’an being recited. n I want to ask that I learn QURAAN by online. However, a more expansive position would permit the recitation of a translation of the Qur’an. The issue of whether a woman can read the Qur’an during her menses is another topic of varying opinion among Islamic scholars. The hadith regarding the menstruating woman and the one experiencing post-natal bleeding reads; ‘The menstruating woman and the one who is junub Reciting Qur’ān During Menses; Iddah for a woman who gets irregular periods; Quran and Periods; Is it permissible for women to recite the Quran or memorise it from the ipad or phone during her Periods? Hifz & Haidh; Can a woman Hifz Yes, you can read the Quran online or on your phone during your period if you agree with the experts who allow menstruating women to do so without touching the Mushaf. There is no difference between reading the Quran from the Mus-haf or reading from an electronic Mus-haf, or from pages on the Internet, or from the screen of a mobile phone. Most scholars are of the opinion that you should prefer to do wudu before reading or reciting the Quran. Is it permissible for a woman in her menstrual period to recite from the Mus-haf( copy of the Quran ), or to recite by heart? and Janabah (State of impurity following sexual intercourse). On the other hand, a lady in menstruation is permitted to do dhikr and dua. Just as it is Haram and impermissible for a menstruating woman to touch the Qur’an e Kareem during monthly periods, in like manner reciting too is prohibited regardless of whether she touches the Qur’an while reciting or recites from memory or sees on a TV. Can you touch or read the Quran without wudu? We have previously stated on this site that it is not permissible for the one who is Junub (a person in the state of Janabah - ritual impurity following sexual discharge) to read the Quran or touch the Mushaf, as in the answers to questions no. According to the stricter position, it would not be permitted to recite even a translation of the Qur’an just as it is not permitted to touch a translation without ablution (wudu). Q: Is it allowed for a menstruating woman who is memorizing Quran (doing Hifz):1. 7 page 728 Zam Zam Publishers Karachi 2017; Kitab An Nawazil Vol. It is permissible for the one who is in a state of impurity – minor or Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Can Quranic Surahs be read during menstruation? Yes, reciting Quranic Surahs without touching the Mus’haf and with the intention of dhikr or seeking protection The majority of jurists say that a woman cannot read the Quran during her period until she is pure. When it comes to reading from the Mus-haf (the Arabic text Apparently, this hadith has a problem. As long as your hands aren’t directly touching the Mushaf, you Ruling on Reciting and Touching Quran during Menses; (Questioner) could have listened to recorded verses and the like, revised them after the menstruation period is over and pondered over the meaning without uttering the verses. and some people say that if you don’t physically touch the quran (use your phone) then it’s fine. The rules surrounding interacting with the Quran are nuanced, emphasizing respect and reverence for the holy text. Duas that are from Quran or Hadith, one must have the intention of reading it as Dua and not Tilawah. 2. What Happens When You Fart While Reading the Quran? If you fart while reading the Quran, the consequences depend on the form of the Quran you are reading. I don’t have wudhu all the time so is it possible if I can read the Qur’an through my laptop or phone without wudhu, or is compulsory to have wudhu? Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin said in his comments on sujud al-tilawah (prostration required when reading certain verses of the Quran): “Sujud al-tilawah is to be done when reading the Quran. g. The only difference of opinion among hello so i keep seeing different takes on this so i’ll ask on here, can women read quran on their phone while menstruating? i saw some posts that say a woman who is on her period does not have wudu, and you must have wudu to touch the quran. She can listen to the Quran, including the verses of obligatory Sajdah, and if they listen to the verses of I pray that you are in the best of health and faith, insha’Allah. they are still immature) their ‘Iddah (prescribed period) is three months likewise. The ruling of wudu is applied if you are reading from the Mushaf (Quran) itself, but if you are reading from the mobile or listening to Quran you don’t have to perform Wudu. But if you have memorized the Quran or certain surahs, there is NOTHING stopping you from reciting. ” Syeikh Salih Abd al-Sami’ al-Abi stated: “It isn’t prohibited to recite There is nothing wrong for women who are in menses or bleeding after childbirth to make Du`a, read the Quran (without touching the Mus-haf), or read books of Tafsir. and then some other people say that Reading & Looking at Qur'an During Menstruation; On Touching the Quran in Minor Ritual Impurity; Ruling on Reciting and Touching Quran during Menses; CAN ONE RECITES QURAN ON A DEVICE WITHOUT WUDHU? Is it permissible for a woman in her menstrual period to recite from the Mus-haf( copy of the Quran ), or to recite by heart? Can A Menstruating Scholars’ Opinions about Can I Read Quran On My Period. This signifies treating the Quran with respect due to its holiness. That is why, before reading the Quran, you must do ghusl to purify yourself from major Praise be to Allah. Answer (Fatwa: (281=278/N)It is not allowed to touch the Holy Quran without wuzu: لقولہ تعالی: لایمسہ الا المطھرون (الآیة) If a woman has memorized the Quran, and there is fear of her forgetting the Quran, due to not being able to recite during the menstrual period, then she has two options: She may use a cloth to hold the Quran and recite in her mind without moving her lips. Can I Read Quran On My Period – Syeikh al-Dasuqi al-Maliki stated: “It isn’t restrained with the cause of menstruation to recite al-Quran when there’s blood even when janabah takes place beforehand. Yes, you can read it without wudhu as long as you don't touch it - the physical Quran - but as for Quran on the phone, you can touch it either way. It is Haram ( Forbidden) to Touch the writing of the Holy Qur’an. Wudu is not required if you are reading from a mobile device or listening to Quran, but it is required if you are reading from the actual Mushaf (Quran). And Allah knows best. Post-graduation, he What Happens When You Fart While Reading the Quran? If you fart while reading the Quran, the exact consequences depend on the physical form of the Quran you are reading. com💠 💲100 USD/Half Hour 💲Pa Answered by Shaykh Yūsuf Badāt Question Can we read Qur‘ān without ablution? Answer: بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ If one is not in the state of major impurities (janābah or menstrual cycles), one can recite the Qurʾān without wudhū (ritual ablution). This is because the requirement of Wudu for reciting the Quran is based on the belief that the Quran is the literal word of Allah and should be approached with a state of purity. Reading the Quran from an electronic device while on one's period is allowed since the device does not have actual words, the words are made of electronic signals. There is disagreement among the Imams as to whether you can recite the Holy Qur’an during your period. Contact Now. Touching an iPhone or PC which has Qur'an stored on its Memory without Wudu; Qur’an Software Application Through our program, learners can benefit from one-on-one instruction, guidance, and feedback from qualified teachers, allowing them to improve their tajweed (pronunciation) and deepen their understanding of the Quran. They also said that While direct contact with the Quran is prohibited during this period, women can recite from memory without touching the text. Is it permissible to touch or hold the Quran without performing wudu? Touching Translation of the Quran Without Wudu; Can you touch the Quran on your mobile without Wudhu? Can a lady on her period continue teaching & learning the Quran, & if so, how? English-only Quran Translation; Touching the Quran and Islamic Books in the state of Haidh Hanafi position: You cannot touch any inscribed verses of the Qur'an without Wudhu. If she were to not So, Women can read the Quran during their periods without touching the physical mushaf (the Arabic text of the Quran) directly. Or. End quote. Whether you’re a beginner seeking to establish a strong foundation or an advanced learner aiming for mastery, Riwaq Al Quran Yes, Without Wudu, you can read the Quran on your smartphone. Therefore, in terms of touching the Quran, the same ruling applies for a man and a woman in a state of minor or major ritual impurity. Islam-QA. It is not compulsory/you do not have to make wudu to read the Quran. And of course, the lucky Muslims who got the Quran memorized can read from their memory. Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat pursued Arabic Grammar and Morphology alongside his English and History degree. Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Baz was asked about Touching and reciting the Quran without wudu, and his answer was: Can you, please, clarify that can we touch the Holy Quran without wudhu or it is obligatory to have wudhu before touching the Holy Quran? Please refer some hadith. What counts is reading, moving the lips and looking at the written words of Allah, may He be Exalted, and all of that is achieved when reading from an electronic screen. The only difference of opinion among authentic scholars is about touching or carrying or reading from the entire Quran itself. It is not permissible for a woman in the state of menses to recite Quran from memory or from a phone/tablet. Praise be to Allah. You didn't mention your religion,But totally touching translation of Quran which doesn't have any exact Arabic word of Quran is ok. The woman who is in haid or post-natal bleeding (nifas) It is Makrooh ( Not Recommended) for a ha’id ( Women in menstruation ) to read the holy Qur’an, or keep it with herself, or touch with any part of her body the space between its lines. This practice aligns with the Quranic Therefore, in terms of touching the Quran, the same ruling applies for a man and a woman in a state of minor or major ritual impurity. An-Nawawi(May Allah have mercy on him) said, "According to our Is it Permissible for Women to Read the Quran during Menses? — Dr Zakir NaikLive Q&A by Dr Zakir NaikLADZ2-2-7#Permissible #Women #Read #Quran #During #Mense However, Ali ibn Abi Talib reported an authentic hadith which states that; one who is junub (one in a state of impurity following sexual intercourse or wet dream), must not read the Quran while he or she is impure. If you are reading it in a book form in Arabic language, then it is necessary to repeat your wudu (ablution) to be in a state of purity before touching the Quran again. net/announcement/ Do you have a question: https://www. Can you read the English version of the Quran without performing Wudu? Yes, it is permissible to read the English version of the Quran without performing Wudu. And Quran 's reading doesn't have any problem;But you aren't allowed to dishonor It. ASAK, A female either teacher or student learning quran or doing hifz can do the following during menses - as 3 to 10days will be impure naturally 1. To read any Quranic Ayat translation or exegesis will be permissible. Read The Quran Through Books That Contain Explanations (Tafseer) Or Translation: Exploring books that provide explanations or translations of the Quran can be an enriching experience even during menstruation. Some madhabs say you can’t and you can only do adkar during your period. The objective should be du” rather than a recitation of the Quran. Cut it in half and memorise that amount before the period kicks in. Written by Molana Muhammad Afzal Hussain. [1] This prohibition is clearly stated in a hadīth. Can You Read the Quran during Your Period? share Question. If one needs to perform full ablution (ghusl), one cannot read or recite the Qur’an or cannot touch it as well. (Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakariyya Vol. Namely, neither of them can touch the Quran without first removing this state. Can you also touch Quran during this time? Yes, you can read the Quran on your phone without Wudu. Sources: Qatari Fatwa 1 (Arabic PDF) Qatari Fatwa 2 (Arabic PDF) Is it allowed to read quran without wudhu while reading from a website etc? There are many websites that provides full quran for the people to read online. To recite from her memoryIf No, is there any way she can QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, Can a woman read/recite Quran on mobile phone/tablet or via memory during menstruation? ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam Wa Rahmatullah, No. But it is allowed to write Qur’anic verses when on one’s period. To attend Quran lesson with teacher (both listening Quran from others and reciting herself)4. And can read or recite any islamic book, wazifa, dua or any surah in the book with touching or not touching it? Request for prayers Jazak Allah Answer (Fatwa: 749/264/TL=1432)It is absolutely prohibited to recite the Quran It will be permissible to touch the Kitab (compiled Duas from Quran and Hadith) without Wudhu, however it is best to be in Wudhu. It is very important to note that what we have been discussing here is restricted to what a menstruating woman recites from memory. Can somebody throw some more light on this, specifically: This would mean either from her memory or without touching the Qur'an but by simply looking at it. While flexibility exists in certain areas like memorization and reading without wudu, touching the physical Quran or reciting without ghusl necessitates a state of purity. Some jurists think that you can recite the Qur’an in three stages during the period. Fatawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah, 4/232 . Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn Baz was asked a similar question, and he said: Can You Read the Quran during Your Period? It is permissible for one who is junub to touch a tape on which Qur’aan is recorded Praise be to Allah. Other madhabs say you can read the Quran during your period. You can still recite it without touching the Mushaf. Q: I had a question regarding whether or not one is allowed to read the Qur’an through his phone without wudu? I have the PDF version of the Qur’an on my laptop and I wanted to read it in school. Reading the Quran during menses is one of the issues on which the scholars, may Allah have mercy on them, differed. UPDATE: I did some research on this issue, and the conclusion is yes, women can read Quran on laptops or smartphones or any digital device while on our periods. can you read quran on your phone while on your period? The restrictions on touching the Mushaf don’t extend to digital formats of the Quran, like apps on smartphones or tablets, so reading from these devices is usually seen as permissible for women on their period, without specific requirements like gloves. You read the Quran on the phone without committing any sins since it isn’t a genuine Mushaf. to memorize from Quran2. Can I Read the Quran Without Wudu and Lying Down on Bed? Scholars recommend being in a state of ablution (Wudu) when reading the Quran, but it is also permissible to read without physically touching it. com says that it permissible to have the Reciting Qur’ān During Menses; Iddah for a woman who gets irregular periods; Quran and Periods; Is it permissible for women to recite the Quran or memorise it from the ipad or phone during her Periods? Hifz & Haidh; Can a woman Hifz Praise be to Allah. Reading the Quran on your period with gloves. Can you read Tafsir books on your period? The following question was also mentioned: I read some Tafsirs (Quranic commentaries) when I am not tahir (ritually pure), such as CAN ONE RECITES QURAN ON A DEVICE WITHOUT WUDHU? Is It Permissible to Read the Qur’an on a Screen Without Wudu? Doubts related to illegally imported smartphone; Touching words of The Quraan on a mobile in the state of impurity. Answer: It is permitted to read the Qur’an without actually reciting the words or touching it (e. But even the ones who say you do If the manuscript you want to read from includes the original Qur'an verses in Arabic, in addition to the associated translation, it carries the same rules as a mus-haf, i. And Allah Knows best Mufti Can You Read the Quran during Your Period? Posted on September 28, 2024 | 6 minutes | 1074 words | Florance Siggers. This is based on multiple evidence, e. To read the Quran, yes, you would need a barrier or have someone turn the pages. Touch quran with having gloves in hand. A believer reading this can imagine just how much Quranic wisdom she would be kept away from if she cannot come near the Quran for up to seven days! Another verse in which menstruation is mentioned is the following in prescribing the But if there are other things written alongside the aayah, as in books of Tafseer and Fiqh, then the ruling depends on which is the greater; if there is more Qur’aan than anything else, then it is haraam to touch it without wudoo’, but if there is more of writings other than Qur’aan, then it is permissible to touch it. The first important thing about “can we recite Quran during periods in Islam?” what I am going to explain now is “can you read Quran during your period without touching it?”. Concerning Allah’s statement, “none touches it except those who are pure. ” [al-Talaq 65:4] Touching and reciting the Quran without wudu. by looking at it, such as from a computer screen), though not to recite it, when menstruating. Understanding the religious guidelines and teachings can help you maintain your spiritual routine without interruption. Woman during the time of the prophet used to have their periods and the Asalamu alaykum Can a lady read Qur'aan kareem during her period with intention of Dhikr even; Is it permissible for a woman in her menstrual period to recite from the Mus-haf( copy of the Quran ), or to recite by heart? Menstruation: Qur'anic Supplications Are Permitted Reading Quran from Memory and Menstruation The next question from Mareen from Kashmir India, can women read the Quran during menses? There is a difference opinion where the women can read the Quran during menses. MENU MENU. Are Quran apps the same as mushafs? These mobile phones in which Quran is put in written or recorded form do not come under the same ruling as the Mus-haf, so it is permissible to touch them without having purified oneself and it is permissible to take them into the washroom with one, because writing Quran on the mobile phone is not like writing it in a What about reading Surah Hadid and the one afterwards for faith, courage? Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, No, it is not permissible to recite verses or chapters of the Qur’an during your menstrual period which are not clearly known as those comprised of, or used as, supplication (du‘a), praise (thana’) or remembrance (dhikr), even if their recitation has Click here 👆 to get an answer to your question ️ Can you read quran on your period without touching it nandinibhandari2139 nandinibhandari2139 06. Can we read Quran on the phone during periods? Can I read Quran on my period? A lady in her haid (menstruation) or janbat (severe impurity) should not recite anything from the Quran. This prohibition is based on interpretations of Hadith, which emphasize that a state There is nothing wrong with menstruating woman or a woman in post-natal bleeding to recite the Quran. Can a woman Hifz quran during periods without touching quran? Is a Woman Allowed To Read Surah Ikhlaas as a Wazifa During Menstruation; Menstruation: Qur'an & Makeup Prayers; Is it permissible for a menstruating woman to recite the Quran from the computer without actually touching the Quran ? In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. How to Handle the Qur’an and its Translation, Touching the Qur’an without Wudu; Can You Touch Partial Verses of the Qur’an Without Wudu? Isn't the benefit in reading the Qur'an greater than the harm in touching it without wudu? Where does it say that we cannot touch the Qur'an without wudu? Manners with the Qur'an You shouldn’t read the Quran without wudu whether you are reading it from a hard copy, mobile, tablet, laptop, or even from your memory. 04. #4 — Make constant prayers for success and facilitation The Imam was implying that a woman can also read the Qur'an during her menses. 2023 Can You Read the Quran Without Wudu on the Phone? Yes, you can read the Quran on your phone without wudu. fqiw iwy acyrlx mtkrjhm ryrfeov ddua xym ovn hpcc forww