Smith county divorce filings Nov 9, 2023 · To begin the process of filing for divorce in Smith County, you will need: Find and fill out forms relevant to your case. Find the forms and applications you need. Understand the procedures, fees, and confidentiality of Smith County divorce certificates. Bring your paperwork to a divorce court. The Clerk's responsibilities include receiving the filings for civil cases, preparing notices and citations, and maintaining records associated with the cases including debt, breach of contract, garnishments, temporary restraining orders, injunctions, automotive/personal injury cases and eminent domain cases, as well as related post-judgment act The District Clerk is the office of record for all proceedings heard in District Courts, and in Smith County, some civil and family matters heard in County Courts at Law. Jan 3, 2024 · Civil District Courts hear all family and civil law issues including divorce cases, custody issues, child abuse and neglect (involving the Department of Family and Protective Services, or CPS) cases, cases involving title to land, and civil matters where the amount of money or damages involved is $200 or more. The Clerk's responsibilities include receiving the filings for civil cases, preparing notices and citations, and maintaining records associated with the cases including debt, breach of contract, garnishments, temporary restraining orders, injunctions, automotive/personal injury cases and eminent domain cases, as well as related post-judgment act The District Clerk is the office of record for all proceedings heard in District Courts, and in Smith County, some civil and family matters heard in County Courts at Law. Access links to get divorce records online, verify them, and obtain historical records. © 2024 Smith County, Texas. All Rights Reserved. Ask that your spouse signs the Answer or Waiver and a Decree. . Learn how to find and request divorce records in Smith County, TX. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government - Connecting People and Government Use this field to search for the name of a Grantor/Grantee or by subdivision, document type or document number. Pay the filing fee and take the copies of the documents. Give a copy of the paperwork you filed to your spouse. This includes the most serious personal injury, contract, real estate, and consumer lawsuits; all divorces, child support and custody cases; as well as tax collection cases. Keep in Touch. ecgx envuw kgchw tubwz bktm wagzg icugm emhth jckl kub